Colors of Seyðisfjörður

The DUFT workshop is located in Seyðisfjörður in East Iceland. Seyðisfjörður is both the name of the fjord and the small town nestled between mountain tops protecting it and a vibrant community of people who cherish the sense of belonging, and unique natural setting that allows you to be out in moss, between trees or in a boat within a few meters – as a pearl in a shell.

Whilst resting on a long history of people of various nationalty building up and passing by the fjörd, leaving and facetted and strong cultural heritage, this colourfull and sprawling heritage is visible in contemporary society and daily life.


Our first edition of DUFT pigments will be based on colors from its layered history, from colors of the earth of the fjorð. A sustainable and gentle sourcing of artists pigments from selected sites gives  added meaning and embedding the sense of place into works of art and other surfaces colored with DUFT pigments.


The project is kindly supported by our local community; Hvatasjóður Seyðisfjörður and Múlaþing.

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duft icelandic sitespecific artists pigments

DUFT showcase at SÍM Gallery

DUFT showcase at SÍM Gallery during Hönnunarmars 2024. Try out our pigments and make your own postcard sized artwork with sitespecific colors from Búðareyrarfoss, Seyðisfjörður.

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